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10 Amazing Benefits of Alpine Strawberries

Alpine strawberries have impressive benefits, such as their ability to relieve indigestion, hydrate the body, boost the immune system, prevent signs of aging, stimulate liver activity, lower cholesterol, detoxify, help prevent cancer, reduce inflammation and treat respiratory conditions.

There are some side effects to be aware of, such as skin inflammation, allergic reactions, and certain negative side effects in pregnant women. However, moderate use and proper preparation of these berries will help you avoid most of these unpleasant effects.


¿What are alpine strawberries?

Alpine strawberries have many names, including wild strawberry and European strawberry, but according to some experts, the scientific name for these berry plants is strawberry or alpine strawberry. Unlike the common strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa), Strawberry is a hybrid of members of the Strawberry genus, which grow in the wild and have been consumed by indigenous people since the Stone Age. Alpine strawberries are also reputed to be Sweeter, tastier, and easier to grow! Their health benefits are legendary, and every part of these plants is used for some type of medicinal purpose. From juice and leaves to fruits, stems and roots, this plant is packed with beneficial nutrients that can provide many significant health benefits.

Most of these effects on the body can be attributed to high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins, potassium, tannins, flavonoids, procyanidins, phenolic compounds and other volatile acids and antioxidants.

Alpine Strawberries / Fresas Alpinas
Alpine Strawberries / Fresas Alpinas

These delicius strawberries can be enjoyed in several ways. Image credit: Shutterstock

Benefits of alpine strawberries

Alpine strawberries are not used as much as they once were, but they are still beneficial for people with dysentery, gout, arthritis, premature aging, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver damage, weakened immune systems, and high toxicity. These berries also help reduce the risk of cancer, respiratory infections, indigestion, constipation and dehydration, among others.

Rich in vitamin C

Alpine strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is known to boost the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells, while also acting as an antioxidant throughout the body. Traditionally, these strawberries are used to prevent dysentery and vitamin C deficiency, which also helps accelerate repair and collagen production.

Prevent premature aging


Alpine strawberry juice is rich in antioxidants and is often applied topically to the skin to eliminate wrinkles and age blemishes. Alpine strawberries contain natural whitening agents that can also help clear the skin, balance skin discoloration, and speed up the healing process of wounds and insect bites.

Regulate blood pressure


The moderate amounts of potassium found in these wild strawberries may help lower blood pressure and protect cardiovascular health. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning it reduces pressure on blood vessels and arteries, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

Prevent liver damage

Drinking alpine strawberry juice on an empty stomach stimulates liver function and helps heal damage caused by cirrhosis

Helps in digestion

The leaves of the alpine strawberry plant have long been used to treat gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and high acidity. This leaf preparation is also excellent for stimulating appetite, improving digestive efficiency and nutrient absorption.

Anticancer potential

Alpine strawberries contain a wide variety of flavonoids, phenolic compounds, tannins and procyanidins. According to a 2016 research article, these polyphenols in strawberry extract trigger certain biological activities that help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Detox my body

The leaves of the alpine strawberry plant are known to have diuretic properties and, when brewed into tea, can help detoxify the body and improve kidney function. Excessive urination reduces pressure on the kidneys and encourages the body to eliminate excess fat, salt, toxins and water.

Keep hydrated

Despite being nutrient dense, alpine strawberries are also high in moisture, and these berries are traditionally picked by travelers on the road because they retain moisture and boost energy.

Treat sore throat

The leaves of this plant can be boiled in water for 4-5 minutes until the active ingredients are released, and the resulting liquid can be drunk to relieve inflammation and sore throat. This is especially helpful for people with cold and flu symptoms, as this beer can also help reduce congestion.

How to eat alpine strawberries?

You can eat alpine strawberries like regular strawberries, or mix them into fruit salads, pick them fresh by hand,  add them on top of cereals, salads, or desserts. Alpine strawberries are noticeably smaller than regular strawberries, very soft when ripe, and easy to crush. A popular way to eat these fruits is to pour some milk or cream over the berries, add sugar, and mash the berries to release the juice.

Until they are fully ripe, the flavor is poor, which is easy to tell from the extremely fragrant smell that surrounds these fruits. In fact, the aromatic compounds released when ripe can fill an entire room. Unlike their more common cousins, these plants do not produce many berries at once, which is why they are considered a delicacy in many cultures, especially in Europe.

How to grow alpine strawberries?

Alpine strawberries are known for being difficult to grow, but that is not the case. They are easy to grow from seed, as long as you start them at the right time of year and care for them diligently. If you follow these simple steps, you will have a beautiful ground cover alpine strawberry plant in your garden by next spring! !The best conditions for growing alpine strawberries are slightly acidic, well-drained soil with partial sun exposure and regular rainfall.

  • Step 1: Choose your favorite alpine strawberry variety (research which one is best depending on the climate you live in: Alexander, Rügen, White Soul, Yellow Miracle, etc.)
  • Step 2: To germinate seeds, place them in moist, acid-rich soil in a small pot. It is important to keep the soil moist at all times; even a few hours of complete drying can stop the germination process.
  • Step 3: After the seeds have germinated, place the pot in a bright window to receive full sunlight. If germinating outdoors, make sure the seeds are not blocked by wind, but also not blocked by sunlight.
  • Step 4: Keep sprouted seeds between 65 and 75 degrees F for best results. Lower temperatures will slow down the germination process.
  • Step 5: Once the plants begin to form, they can be taken out of the pot and placed in the soil outside, but these strawberry plants are fickle and usually will not be taken unless the soil is perfectly suited to their original growth conditions.
  • Step 6: Water the plant regularly during the middle months of its growth, but make sure there is good ventilation so that moisture does not cause rot or other common diseases.
  • Step 7: After about 4 months, the plants should bear their first delicious fruits!